The Content Studios AI Prototype
Powered by ChatGPT a custom human tailored ‘The Content Studios AI’ designed to interact around the music industry as a personal assistant
Linked is the valid (as of 11NOV23 link)
The bot is aware of it’s intent to assist in ‘The Content Studios’ a recording studio dealing in all audio tasks or assistance in inspiration. Tasks range from album art & lyrics to calendar creation, DAW assistance, Tool suggestions, Training/Learning paths, Technical assistance and etc. These are all tasks ChatGPT itself is capable of, The only difference is this bot is custom tailored for tasks to help stream line productive and useful information specifically for music.
All art represented and created in this article is created by ‘The Content Studios’ human tailored bot
A federal court ruled on August 18 that AI-generated artwork cannot be copyrighted on the grounds that copyright law only extends to human beings, per The Hollywood Reporter.
From a current understanding copywriting AI art is currently not allowed. That does not mean these images can not be used. These laws and interpretations of AI generated content will continue to change and adapt as AI becomes more mainstream. Ownership is constantly subjective across time and as generation and re-creation continues to envelope the human imagination we will see what the future holds for development of ideation.
Technical assistance for installations and troubleshooting
Calendar creation and scheduling to increase productivity
The more specific of information you feed the more in depth the bot will go; Ask The Content Studios how to assist you in creating an LLC or how to upload your music!
Analyze your contracts, split-sheets or any other legal documents
(All information should be reviewed by a professional lawyer)